Happiness 1st Institute Programs

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Nutrition: The Role of Stress

Nutrition Infographic v2022014

We tend to address topics about our health in a vacuum. Perhaps it has to do with the Descartes split where the connection between mind and body was tossed out and our bodies began being treated as if they were a machine–like a car or a toaster. We know better. We live in bodies. We know that when we’re real nervous–maybe before a job interview or a speech–that our stomach can get upset. That is a perfect sign of mind-body interaction.

Or, we all know the difference between perspiration from exercise or exertion and perspiration from nerves. That is another sign of the mind-body connection.

Fortunately, science is once again beginning to recognize more of our whole being. In doing so, they have learned a great deal about nutrition. Our stress level and mood affect our health and how our bodies process the food we eat.

If you want to learn more, you can read TRUE Prevention–Optimum Health: Remember Galileo.

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