Free Consultation

FREE Consultation to examine what's missingWe believe in the work we do and know our services provide significant unique benefits to our clients. What we do is not offered by other firms. To help potential clients understand what we do, how we do it, and why it works so well we offer a free no-risk consultation for qualified potential clients.

For individuals who are interested in our programs, we offer a Money Back Guarantee on all our Premiere Programs.

To learn more about our free consultation or Money Back Guarantee on Premiere Programs, please contact us using the form below:

What’s missing is why your organization and your employees are not engaged and not meeting their goals. Happiness 1st Institute provides the missing piece to your engagement, change management, and corporate wellness program–one root, many branches.

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Contact us today for a free consultation about how The Smart Way can help you achieve your goals. Look for Jeanine Joy on LinkedIn or Twitter (@jeaninejoyJOY).

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