Our lives involve a series of transitions. We begin as a baby, transition to a toddler, then a pre-schooler, then a child in elementary school, then a teenager, onto a high school graduate (or drop out) and so on. From there the paths diverge greatly. Some go on to college, some serve their country in the military, some become employees, others spouses and many other choices, all of which come with their own labels.
Our minds categorize things and apply labels to them. In many ways this process is beneficial to us. When we see an apple we generally know it is a piece of fruit called an apple. But in some ways this process holds us back and makes changes far more difficult than it has to be.
The reason it becomes a problem for us is we attach judgments about our worth, value, and proper behavior to different labels. When we were in school we may have decided we were “good” if we received good grades (however we personally defined “good grades” or had it defined for us by our parents or a college admissions board.)
Later, in the work force, we may use many other factors to decide what we believe our personal worth is. We may decide we are of high value because we have high integrity. We may decide we have a low value because we are not good in sales. We may decide that our supervisor determines our value based on performance evaluations. If we have decided our worth is related to how much income we generate and we decide to become a stay-at-home parent, our feelings of being valuable may diminish. Those diminished feelings of value may even lead to depression or to acting differently in our relationships.
Other transitions such as graduating, being discharged from the military, becoming a parent, retiring, becoming an “empty-nester”, etc. may also cause disruptions in our perception of ourselves.
Research is clear that taking time to adjust our mindsets when we make a transition helps us thrive more post transition. While some people routinely consult a psychiatrist to help them through transitions, if that option is being chosen not medical interventions are needed but because another option does not seem apparent, we provide the solution. Each individual needs to choose what works best for them. If you’ve been mucking through transitions without assistance adjusting your perspectives, you’ll be amazed at how much easier the adjustments can be. The links below take you to descriptions of the Transitions Programs we currently offer.
Leaving Home- Transitions Laid-off – Transitions
Graduation Transitions Single Again – Transitions
Grief Relief – Transitions Relocating – Transitions
A New Career – Transitions Empty Nest- Transitions
Discharged – Transitions Disabled – Transitions
Expecting – A Transitions Program Newlyweds – Transitions
Transitions Programs are 1-day programs with the exception of our Discharged Transitions program for Veterans which is 20 hours for the same price as our 1-day programs. Sometimes an organization, often a church, wants a Grief Relief program that is more intense. Any of the transitions programs can be expanded to be more like our 20 – 40 Thrive More Premier Programs if a group requests the more intensive program.
Purchase one of the 1-day Transition Programs or the 20-hour Discharged Transitions Program by clicking below. Please only click once as each click adds the program to your cart. The website will redirect you to the cart after the cart is created. This may take a few moments. After payment, you will be directed to further instructions. Please make sure you follow the instructions so we can provide you with information about dates and times of upcoming programs. If you would like to make arrangements for a program for a group, please use the Contact Us form at the bottom of this page. Thank you.
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